You would think that since I write so much for my major, writing reports of film theories, film movements, film history, film films, etc, I might become good at actually writing. I have found the opposite to be true. My writing is drab and boring, like toast without any rasberry jam, or even butter.
So since I am a self-proclaimed documentarian, and I feel that my life, though boring, holds some intrinsic value I am going to create an experiment. I will keep a steady blog through the semester, and if I go back and read it and it seems boring to me, I will resolve to delete this blog and start a new one with a new, more adventerous lifestyle.
I hope to share things that I find along this blog journey, relating funny stories, sincere feelings and self discoveries along this 5 month road.
I hope that people enjoy this. It will start out rough until I get the hang of it. Think of it like a new relationship. This is new to me and I feel hesitant about it, yet something drives me to continue and put myself on the line. Enjoy and hope we find what we are looking for!