Thursday, December 18, 2008

TMA 273 Reaction Paper- "An Inconvenient Truth"

This is the third time that I am writing this.  I love the internet.  And speaking of loving things, I love our planet.  I thought that An Inconvienient Truth was very convincing and inspired me to start a recycling service to the apartments here in Provo.  I hope that you all participate.  Anyways, the whole "powerpoint" style that everybody critisizes this film for was interesting to me.  Instead of being disuaded by this type of style, I was intrigued.  It was very convincing and seemed to flow fairly well.  The graphs, animations, and pitcures were quite appropriate and all of that gave me another idea to make an informational, convincing film using things that I find from google is all.  You can bend information and images to fit your agenda and though I found the agenda of almost Mr. President Gore to be nobel (hence the prize) I was inspired but unconvinced.  I was not convinced that all of the earth's heating problems are due to carbon and cars and factories.  According to geological history, the earth has heated up and cooled down multiple times.  We are just part of a heating up part.  That is not to say that we shouldn't ride our bikes and recycle and do the best we can, because we should.  We should do our best and then let it be.  I don't know if old Al would agree with me, but then again, he is still doing good things so more power to him.  

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