Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I am still a good student...

... most of the time. Because I have not posted in a few days, I will make up for it with a few different posts throughout the day. Here is the first.

I have really grown to love school. I don't have to worry about generals and classes that are thrust upon me. I just have the joy of learning ahead of me these last semesters. I graduate in December (finally) and am really excited to move on into post-undergraduate life and get into the work force. I feel more and more ready to do so as each day goes by. But while I am here I might as well do well in school.

In my experience, school is a balancing act. You have to balance how much you spend financially, where you spend your time (work, school, social, wasting it) and sometimes you have to leave things behind. Maybe it was that weekend job that asked you to come in or maybe it was the reading for a class and so you miss a few points. There are things that need to be left behind. Because work and experience are so important to me the things that have usually been left behind are school and social. This semester I feel that I am doing a better job at not leaving those behind. I haven't done every assignment and I don't get ahead, but I do keep up.

To prove this I would like to show you this picture of my History of Film midterm.

Yep, that is a 99. Like 99% as in almost 100%. I don't think I have done that well on a midterm test since elementary school. That made me feel really good. It just proved that though I do leave many things behind, even with school, I can still temporarily achieve an almost perfect balance.


Polly said...

Good for you Travis!

David and Carol Pitcher said...

Dad and I have always thought that married people do better in school. He did!!! Good Job!