Saturday, May 2, 2009

Social VS Anti-Social...

I feel that I am a fairly social person.  Most of you who know me would probably agree.  I love to meet new people and make myself feel comfortable.  Lately I have not had such feelings, in fact, I have felt exactly the opposite.  I just want to avoid people, mind my own business, and work.  With Becky gone I have had to find myself more alone than I have been in months.  Brian, arguably by best friend, is so girl crazy it is not any fun to be around him sometimes.  Becky and her friends have been kind, but I don't feel like hanging out with them all the time either because she is not there.  Other friends have come and gone which has left me, once a social person, now feeling like I just want to be left alone.  Noelle is the friend that I feel that I have but unfortunately our schedules conflict and we can't spend that much time together.  I am sure that I will adjust and become social again, please just wait, but until then I am going to get as much work done as I can.  Social is fun and you get to meet new people, but anti-social can be incredibly work efficient.  Just new things that I am remembering.

I also would like to save up my money for one of those Honda Insight cars that they are coming out with.  They look quite cool, and hey, it's a Honda.

Honda Insight - Let It Shine from Honda on Vimeo.


Lana said...

I understand. Lately I've been so busy with work and school that I am perfectly content not hanging out with people. I think going to London made me a bit more independent. But now I'm just too busy for anything not related to getting work done. Also, you know that you are always welcome to spend time with us if the time arises when you want to be social again. You have been welcomed in. With Becky gone we might all actually get some stuff done...

Unknown said...

Love ya brother. Have a good one. We all wish we could get a Honda Hybrid. At least I do. Yesterday I completely cleaned out the whole house. Every room, and every square inch of the house is spotless. I sure get more work done without Chris here. I'm sure he does too. I have discovered it is an extreme of I get lots of work done, or I don't do anything, and just lay in bed. I feel more productive while doing work. I try not to pity myself, plus I'm only away from my other for a month. Hang in there.