Monday, May 4, 2009

I love my job...

I am not talking about the gardens, though I do love that job too.  I am talking about the job that I am not getting paid for, filming.  I am helping on two different projects this summer, one about the space center in PG and the other about Utah in general.  I have been working all morning getting contacts and permissions for filming.  The Utah thing will air on KBYU, a PBS affiliate (so cool) multiple times a week during prime time (5:20) as an interstitial documentary.  I am super excited about it. 
 Right now I have the following subjects lined up to choose from.

An alpaca (llama) breeder in Mapleton
A family that only rides bikes and that is it
A watermelon farmer in Green River Valley

and I am working on getting the following people involved

A winter olympic athlete training in the summer time
The elephants at Hogle Zoo
a really organized person who lives in SLC

So I have my work cut out for me.  It is going to be a lot of fun.  Anyways, which one sounds most interesting to you?  Please help me out.  If you also have other ideas or contacts, let me know!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i don't have an opinion.
i just wanted to comment so you know I still read your blog.