Friday, May 1, 2009

I am a working man...

Sometimes I think that I would like to have a day off or not have anything to do so I could just relax.
Who am I kidding.
Since I was 7 years old I have been working.
I am a working man.
I love to work. It keeps me busy and it helps me progress and I just love it.
I do enjoy time off but only when my friends are around and we have fun things to do. If they are not around and I am by myself, then I would rather be working. That is not a lie. I know, sounds crazy. It is crazy. But I just came to this revelation yesterday. I love to work. I am working feverishly of two films right now and working 20-30 hrs at my real job that I actually get paid at the gardens.
I keep asking for more hours and part of my mind is like, "Hey, Travis, you are booking yourself too tight. You won't have any time to rest." And the other part, the working part, responds, "Travis, you know that if you were not working you would be at home trying to either find more work to do or sitting and watching your roommate play Zelda like he is every time I come home (it is kind of strange)."
So, Becky gone = more work to do to fill up time.
Thanks work for helping me pass the time.

1 comment:

David and Carol Pitcher said...

The older you get, the younger your age when you got your first job gets. You know the routine, "I walked 5 miles to school everyday in the snow with no shoes or coat!" Last I heard you were 8 when you got your 2x a week paper route that I helped you do because you were so young. I really can't remember how old you were but I'm sure I have it recorded in your picture books. Yep, you delivered papers, weekly and daily, sold tomatoes and produce from the garden to nice neighbors, worked at Little Caesars, Hogi Yogi, Play it Again Sports, and I can't remember if there were more but those were all before high school graduation. You saved all the money you needed for your mission and we were proud of you. Keep working, it's good for you. Glad you like it because man works by the sweat of his brow.