Friday, January 16, 2009

Dream 1-16-09

Last night I had a dream. It is all a bit vague now, but it had alot to do with money. I had a decision to make. Choose money, or love. I remember feeling completely struck by the question, thinking, "Why on earth would I choose money over love?".

I remember there being flashed before me two parallel yet distinct views.

One swept me across the earth to islands that I had purchased in Bali, and to my town house in rural France, exclusive parties and events along in New York, Los Angeles, driving a Mercedes Benz, being with friends who did care but were transient in my life. And feeling empty.

The other was crammed intimately into a small house in south Provo with bills that were stacked full onto the kitchen table, the smell of curry, my books falling all over the small space, the time issues of having multipul jobs, a lovely wife who nuzzled safely onto my shoulder and the new child that, together, we were holding. And feeling filled.

I woke up (late for work) emotional. It was a wonderful feeling. The former feeling exciting and novel. The latter, intimate and endearing. The difference between the two was the end feeling. It was nice to be reminded about what is really important here and now and to remember to work towards that.

Dreams are pretty neat things, even vague ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I might say that is a pretty detailed dream.