Monday, January 19, 2009

Recents: Sundance, Draper, MLK, and Harry Potter

So, I haven't written for awhile so I am going to catch you all up on what has gone on.  So this is what went on.
I went to the Sundance Film Festival on Friday.  This was great.  Becky and I rode in cars and busses for most of the night to be able to go.  It was a great amount of driving, but I feel that it was worth it (and I couldn't have asked for better company).  We saw Ashton Kutcher, or however you spell it, and probably some other famous people that I didn't recognize because I don't have my thumb on that pulse.  It was fun.  Old Partner was a great film and we saw a short film after about rural Irish farmers and their places.  That was really cool.  All done with just a digital SLR and a normal digital and a voice recorder.  Super innovative.  Anyways, here are some pictures.

Isn't Becky cute? And nuts, but it is fun...

Anyways, it was fun, and we are going back this next Saturday to see the animated shorts program.  It will be much less driving and such.  
The next day, Becky invited me to the Draper Temple open house.  It was really nice to go and see everything.  I don't go into sealing rooms very much, and it was really touching to see the bride's room where they get ready and cry and stuff.  It was endearing.  The gospel is true and families can be forever.  That is the only way to go.

Then today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  What a great day and a great day for us tomorrow when we receive our first black president.  Human rights have come along way, and as I am discovering in my development classes, they still have quite a ways to go. 

But we are heading the right direction.

Speaking of directions, I have a few to choose from.  I am holding off applying to any internships because of other opportunities that have popped up.  I receive emails on a weekly basis asking me to help out on different projects.  "We are looking for an editor...", "Seeking for help for development and shooting of...", "Hey, can I talk to you about this thing that I have been wanting to do...".  You know, things like that.  It is nice to be wanted, but also to be paid.  That is yet to come I guess.  I am just happy that there are so many doors open and opening to me right now. 

So, that is about all that I have to say.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  I read the first Harry Potter book.  Despite preconceived notions, I was suprised to see how fun it was to read.  The writing really takes you there and moves quickly and it is fun.  So my goal is to read the books, at least until the sixth before the movie comes out this summer.  

On the topic of goals, I am doing great with my goals for the new year.  I am keeping up on my homework.  I am working hard at my major.  I am reading and writing both for school and for fun.  I am playing music.  I am doing my best to date (thanks for being nice to me Becky).  And I am quite happy, healthy, and hopeful.  Thanks to all for your support and for you love.  You all are what is most important to me and I thank you.

1 comment:

Kalli said...

HA! I knew you would like Harry if you just gave him a chance!! Careful, it only gets more addicting from here...