Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I am a super lucky person...

... for a myriad of reasons. Number one: I have an awesome wife.
Number two: We really don't have to worry about things that much.
Number three: I have at least 100 more reasons that I am a super lucky person...
but I won't bore you with all of the details. One of the reasons that I am feeling so blessed right now is that I never have a lack of opportunities. One such opportunity came up last weekend at the Hunger Banquet right as we were leaving. Though I was not happy that we were leaving early, I still wanted to stop by an area where a bunch of social entreprenuers and NGO's and non-profits had set up booths to help inform people about what they are doing and possibly get help. I quite a few that I recognized and was familar with and then I saw one that I had recently just become aware of. The organization is called The Tipping Bucket and they help generate money for small development projects using online social networks and pocket change. Earlier that week I had recieved a small notice that they were offering a paid internship for the summer. Well I talked to the guy at the booth and we exchanged information and yesterday I submitted my application for the internship and should hear back by the 15th.
The reason this is significant is because this is exactly what I want to be doing. This, the Peery grant that Becky and I want to do this summer, my own work with Central Utah Gardens seem so serendipitous. I am not even graduated and I already have more work offers than I can take and not even that, they are all in the specified field that I want to work in. I thought that I would have to "blaze the trail" but I have found that the trail has more or less made itself.
What I am trying to say is that I appreciate it, so thank you.

Here is a neat video that accompanies my thoughts. It was even made in Kenya (fingers crossed).

Djemba, a boy from Kibera from jason taylor on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Becky Pitcher said...

See now, aren't you glad that I made you leave the Hunger Banquet early?
And you were so upset about it...
