Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Patience is a...

... Virtue but sometimes it can really be hard. Having been raised in an LDS family, there were two things that really capstoned my life. The first was going on a mission and the second is getting married in the temple. As I grew older, there were also other priorities that came. Graduation from BYU, acceptance to graduate school, getting out of Utah, working, traveling, etc. Now I feel I am on the brink of everything. I am less than a month away from getting married. I am just two semesters away from graduating. One test and a few applications away from grad school. A couple interviews away from a good job. And with all of that waiting just a bit away, all I keep hearing is, "enjoy the moment" or, "take advantage of today while it lasts" and yes, I know that this is important. Learn from the past, plan for the future, and live for today. But with everything so so close, I just hear, "blah blah blah". Today is filled with work at the law school, classes, and then some interviews tonight with some bikers. This will all be great and I think it will be a great day, but I really can't wait until that turns into breakfast with my wonderful wife, meeting with a potential client, editing of a spot for TV, class with other collegues, and an evening shoot for my Sundance documentary. It is so close. I am so close to getting paid to film, and not filming for free. I am so close to being with the person I love more than anything and making her breakfast. So yes, live today in the present and enjoy the moment, but in the back of my mind I feel a bit more like this. I want it now, though I know better.

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.

I am sure that you understand.


Unknown said...

oh my goodness, I love how pained they look.
And when they hold it up to their mouths and mime eating.
Haha! I love you too, and I know what you mean, it's hard to find Joy in the Journey when you can practically see the destination.

David and Carol Pitcher said...

You are histerical!!! You crack us up, how cute! how true!!!

David and Carol Pitcher said...

That should be "hysterical". Oopps! I take after Noelle with my spelling!haha

Brad said...

trying...to...resist...crushing your innocence with news of what's to come as a grown, non-student in the film industry. :) Okay i've resisted. Forget enjoying the moment of being a student and blah blah, I say hold on to this innocence!!