Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"All work and no play make Travis go something something..." "Crazy?" "Don't mind if I do! AHAHAH"

So I am ready for school to be done. After having my video critiqued, my heart ripped out and served on a DVD platter, having proposals, projects, and papers thrust at me (when teachers do that you are bound to drop something), no time to eat or sleep or do things that make my life more rounded (sorry Becky), and being overall tired and grumpy. The consolation that I have is that I only have two weeks left and that is light at the end of the tunnel. Then it is just another term of school (only it will be strictly making films). I know everybody goes through this, but I thought that I would moan about it a bit.

1 comment:

Lana said...

Nice The Simpsons reference. You'll get to meet me oh so soon!