Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Times Ahead...

So I wish that I was an HTML whiz and I could encode my blog with cool fonts and pictures and stuff to show the excitement of the new year.  Or the drab boredom of starting over yet again.  I prefer the former.  But what is it about the new year that makes it so different from one day ago?  I still don't know but I think that it has to do with our obsession with starting over.  When I was little, I played video games (I still do but only with my little brother Tate).  We were constantly starting over.  We would loose a life or points or whatever and just start over.  It helped us to progress and do better each time.  It seems that life is like that.  We don't literally start over, but we almost do.  I believe, because I have seen it and felt it, that people can change overnight.  One day they can be one person, and the next they change into a completely different person.  I would see this on my mission, with my friends, and with myself.  We find these moments when it is easy to commemorate something and we start over.  People loose weight, stop smoking or drinking, start working a different job, start eating better, start being more productive, start becoming who they should be.  It is really quite a miracle.  
Speaking of miracles, this whole season seems to be full of them.  I don't believe that it is a coincidence that Christ's birth comes right before the New Year.  We soften, become kinder and see the world how it probably should be, then we change.  Individually and collectively.  I feel that it is a miracle that we can even change and become better.  I know that Christ made that possible.  So, in this moment of change and newness that is the New Year of 2009, let us remember who made this possible and try to change, even a little bit, to be more like Him.  I feel that if we do, if I do, it could most possibly be the best year yet.
End of sermon.  Thanks!