Monday, January 5, 2009

Lyrics and Junior High School...

Another excuse to stay up later and write some of my thoughts.  So I just posted some of my favorite Christmas 08 moments, and the list is much longer than that but I was sitting here listening to Vandaveer and thinking about music lyrics.  I am not incredibly poetic or well versed but somehow music makes sense to me.  I fits when I write and when I listen.  I was just thinking about this fact and I reminisced in old bands that I used to listen to when I was younger and how those lyrics affected me.  Then the memory of me having memorized all the Weezer lyrics for both of their albums, the blue one and Pinkerton, and then writing versus of Weezer songs in peoples yearbooks in 9th grade according to what I thought of them or their particular circumstance.  For example, to a girl that I had a crush on I might write something like this,
 "I gotta live on an island to find the juice
So you send
Me your love
From all around the world
As if I could love on words and dreams and a million screams
Oh, how i need a hand in mine to feel
Why are you so far away from me?"
I don't know, things like that.  Or I would write 'in the garage ' lyrics to my friends.  I was a strange child.
But then again, not much has changed.  Yes, I don't listen to Weezer hardly at all any more, and I haven't signed a year book for, well, years, but I still feel that songs and song lyrics can say things better than I could ever say.  Maybe that is why we are so attached to them.  The songs are our modern prose.  
I have been really into songs that are rea
lly about nothing but ordinary things.   I was given a free download off of iTunes in their section of free download stuff so I don't know who sings this song, but it is great.
"I apologise
I seemed to have arrived
home with items in my bag from your house."
He goes on to explain what is in the bag and how he feels about the city and love and life in a very simple and relatable way.
Or this song from Damien Jurado.
"Out from my window, across from the city
I have what's considered a good view.
Two blocks from the subway and three from the fountain
where I walk to break in the new shoes."
It is just simple and ordinary, but for anybody who has tried to write a song like this, it is extremely difficult.  We tend to romantisize things, but when they are stripped down and ordinary, I feel that they are still beautiful.  Like girls, they still look great even when they don't wear makeup and stuff.  Anyways, just
 a blurb.  
Here is a picture of me trying to make up songs and being a dork.

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