Wednesday, November 17, 2010


... and they are not the Minnesota Twins (thought that is a nice pun come to think of it). They are the Pitcher twins.

Yesterday Becky and I found out that we are having twin boys.

Yes. Twins. Both boys.

We are stoked.

We will get the ultrasounds and short video up as soon as we can.


Carol said...

We are thrilled with your news. Finally over the shock and mentally preparing on how to be the best help. Just think, you get two for the money. I always thought it was not fair for some women to have to go through pregnancy only once with all its side effects and get two babies when I would have to go through it again to get my second. You and Becky will make it just fine. Will it be easy? No, but it will be worth it and so special. You have a lot of family support from both sides and we all love you and Becky very much. Way to go!!!

Mary said...

I want Baby boy ultrasound pictures!! Those new pitcher boys are what is it travis...well endowed :)

MARCIE said...

You will be a great Dad Travis! And I will be a great grandma!