Saturday, August 14, 2010

What I am working on now...

... is trying to finish up my senior project as much as I can before school starts.  We are working each week with a new farmer for the Farmer's Market episode and we will probably feature 3 to 4 farmers in the episode and their thoughts on community and what the farmer's markets mean to them.

We met Ralph Steele the first day of the Provo Farmer's Market and I instantly knew that we would be filming eventually.  He has a small farm down in Santaquin and has been around chickens his whole life.   He was very kind and led us around for a good two hours talking to us and showing us what he does.  You will get to know his story a bit more through the final doc.  I will be editing a ton for this over the next few months.  Anyways, he is there every Saturday and his eggs are the best.  Check them out.

Here is the teaser.

Farmer's Market Farmers- Ralph Steele from travispitcher on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Marge Bjork said...

i love it. i love him. great!