Thursday, April 15, 2010

I hate loosing...

... especially on eBay.

I am trying to buy a professional grade microphone, the Sennheiser ME-66/7 K6 system, but they are great and expensive and when one goes up on eBay, it is cut-throat and it quickly goes beyond my budget. I was so close on one. I lost by $1. How could that happen? I am the eBay pro! I had never lost until I got into this crazy battle for audio equipment, now I am undone by people with more money and seemingly faster internet connections, though I don't know if that is possible really. It is eBay and should be pretty much the same for everybody with broadband right? Not too complicated... None-the-less, I loose. But someday I will win and I will be able to hear the people across the street whispering under their breath from 200ft away. Someday I will win...

To let you know how great this mic is here is something shot on another DSLR (like the one I have but a bit different, the Mark ii 5D) with the Mic that I would like to get.


Polly said...

You are not the pro you think you are on ebay. You can buy programs that bid for you in the last few seconds that something is up so that you always win. Maybe if it was you against another person you would win, but against a computer, yikes.

Becky Pitcher said...

I like that man's accent. It makes me homesick a little.