Friday, May 29, 2009

Callao Utah...

So Mark and I have been working on documentaries like crazy lately as you probably know. I have not posted for quite a while because I have spent most of my time either editing or talking to Becky while I am on the computer. But tonight I have some time to post so I am going to get a bit more caught up.
For Mark's documentary he set up a date to go out to Juab county and film his wife's unlce's place. He owns some cattle there in a beautiful valley.

It was beautiful the first day we got there. Cool, refreshing, clean, but then I had to get to work. Filming an area can really add to the mystique of a place but then it takes away quite a bit as well because it becomes such work. You are also focusing on such an array of things it is hard to bring it all in simultaneously. I had a good time but was ready to leave when that time came. We filmed about 3 hrs of material for the interstitial for KBYU. We also helped with the herding, separating, tagging, vaccinating, castrating and regrouping of the cattle. I learned quite a bit. It was really interesting. When a calf is getting castrated right before your eyes it really brings you to the realization that things really have not changed over thousands of years. We continue the work that generations before us have done and will hopefully continue to do. The ranch is in danger of being closed down because of overdevelopment and selfishness in Las Vegas. They want to take the groundwater that is so important to people like Beth and Don out on the cattle ranch and I believe that what Las Vegas is doing is wrong. I hope to bring this out in the documentary. If you want more information on this google Snake Valley Water Rights and it should bring up what you need. I enjoyed my time there but am glad that I am a filmmaker and not a cattle rancher. Here are a couple of irrelevant pictures that just show the house that they live in and also the HUGE tree in their back yard.

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